Many of us have a distorted view of ourselves, the world, God, and virtually our role in this life. In most of the biblical parables, we often times have a hard time identifying with the characters in the story. Mainly because we believe that we are not them – meaning, we are not paralyzed, deaf, dumb, blind or even broken. However, I challenge you to change your perspective in these parables and find a way to relate to each character in the story as a visualization exercise. In today’s episode we dive into the story of the paralytic. While we may not be physically “paralyzed” as we know it today, we are definitely paralyzed in a different way at different times in our lives. We area paralyzed in our marriages, our businesses, our personal development and our families. In this episode I break down the steps one needs to take to break through this paralysis and move into a state of alignment in which you see the beauty, joy and HOPE that God has given us in this life.