In the present day addicted and triggered society we live in, comparison is number one on my list for the reason you do not have the health lifestyle you desire. Too often you are caught up in comparing yourself to other people’s results. As a result, you are defeated and believe that you are not taking the right steps or actions to achieve their results. The issue is, when you start playing in the comparison game, you learn that many of the reasons you aren’t achieving your own goals is a result of fear. When you keep living in comparison of results, you play small. When you live in comparison, it keeps you from doing the things you want to do because you live in a safe bubble. Instead, ask yourself, how would you show up differently if you chose to play the game differently. What if you compared work instead of results? You see, if you answer the question “who would I be without fear, judgement, or a place of lack,” you find the exact answers to achieving your desired results. You can chose to continue with the comparison story and live in a place of lack, or you can chose to show up as a creator in the world and take massive action to change your life. The choice is yours!