500 N. Carroll Ave. Ste. 110, Southlake, TX 76092

Did You Know These 3 Foods Could Be Causing Your Headaches?

As you get older, you may start to experience different types of bodily discomfort throughout the day. Sometimes people notice that their back starts to hurt after a long day of work, or their shoulders get tight when doing the same task over and over again. Over time this may result in your muscles becoming tight in various areas. In other cases, it may trigger chronic pain. For some people, headaches are one of the most common types of discomfort they feel regularly. If you get a lot of headaches, you may want some advice on preventing them from happening in the future.

You’ve probably heard many tips for how to get rid of headaches, and you may or may not have had luck with these. But did you ever consider that it could be the food you’re eating that is causing the headaches? Some people don’t realize that your body can have severe reactions to specific foods where you manifest physical discomfort. Continue reading below to find out three foods that could be causing your headaches. There is a chiropractor in Southlake you can also visit in addition to a new headache-curing diet.


Do you wake up every morning and have a cup of coffee? Do you find that if you don’t have this cup of coffee that you end up with a headache? These coffee headaches are prevalent, especially for those who drink 200 mg of caffeine each morning. This is the amount of coffee needed for you to start experiencing these withdrawal headaches. Coffee can be effective in relieving the pain associated with withdrawal but only in some quantities and at the right time. Various researchers have looked for answers, conducting studies on people who get persistent migraines. Later in the day, after their withdrawal symptoms had started to pass, those drinking coffee after coming down from the caffeine high triggered a new migraine. In these circumstances, hydration plays a significant role. Coffee and caffeine can be very dehydrating, which can, in turn, trigger a migraine. In addition to coffee, you should also steer clear of any foods with caffeine like chocolate.

These foods can get rid of headaches in some cases, but overeating can bring them on. Migraine-type headaches that last for days are often tricky to get over. Knowing what kind of foods can trigger these episodes may be the first step you need to develop a complete headache prevention strategy. If you’re someone who regularly experiences headaches, we may want to cut back on your coffee and caffeine intake. For those dealing with neck pain, Southlake has an upper cervical chiropractor who can assist you. Properly aligning the top two bones in your neck could also help alleviate your migraines.

Foods With MSG

Many people think that MSG or monosodium glutamate is an artificial chemical. However, it is a sodium salt of glutamic acid. This acid exists within the body already. When added to food, it can enhance flavor and provide an extra salty kick that ignites the taste buds. You may see MSG in different takeout foods as well as potato chips. The American Migraine Foundation has done the research and determined that it can bring about severe migraines to people prone to migraines. While it is safe to eat, you should be looking at the ingredients if you are prone to headaches.

Sometimes MSG is not listed clearly on packaging, so you should look through the ingredients list until you find monosodium glutamate. In general, you should try to stay away from too much restaurant food as there are often high levels of salt and sugar added during cooking. Cooking everything at home using whole ingredients is a sure way to not only satiate your hunger but get your much-needed servings of vitamins and minerals from healthy sources.

Fermented & Pickled Food

Fermented and pickled food have been praised for their ability to help boost the health of your gut and microbiome. They can be an essential part of a healthy diet, but they can sometimes be a trigger for people who get headaches. The reason being is that pickle and fermented foods have high amounts of a chemical known as tyramine. When food becomes aged, pickled, or fermented, the proteins break down, which causes tyramine to form. The longer the food has been fermented, the more likely it is to increase the tyramine content.

Some pickled and fermented foods you should avoid are kombucha, pickles, Kimchi, and any other fermented vegetables you see at the grocery store. Miso paste can sometimes also have high amounts of tyramine and aged cheeses like blue cheese, Parmesan, and feta. You might be able to eat these foods in small amounts and not feel the headaches. But, too much may not be a good idea. If you are dealing with chronic head pain, our Southlake upper cervical chiropractor can help you create a natural care plan to keep those headaches at bay.

Diet is closely linked to many physical illnesses and discomforts. Some foods can cause total body inflammation, while others can lower your blood pressure. Finding out the right foods that work with your body instead of against it is essential. When it comes to battling headaches and severe migraines, you should alter your diet and see whether specific foods trigger your headaches.

Three common foods that have been found to trigger headaches are coffee, those high in MSG, and fermented and pickled foods. If you have other questions about your chronic pains, an upper cervical chiropractor in Southlake can help you. Getting an expert opinion and setting up the right treatment plan is an excellent first step in combating your headaches and diminishing discomfort so that you can live more fully every day. Whether it’s migraines or general head pain, our Southlake upper cervical chiropractor will support you.