500 N. Carroll Ave. Ste. 110, Southlake, TX 76092

Did You Know These 3 Foods Could Be Causing Your Headaches?

As you get older, you may start to experience different types of bodily discomfort throughout the day. Sometimes people notice that their back starts to hurt after a long day of work, or their shoulders get tight when doing the same task over and over again. Over time this may result in your muscles becoming […]


Let’s face it. All of us are starting to feel the pressure of the last 5 months. I feel like there is a giant sleeping bear that we continually poke on the daily, if not hourly basis with the rampant news stories flooding our new feeds. Remember, what you consume, you become. My challenge for […]


Have you felt like you have held a burden for too long? Maybe to where it feels like you continually add weight to the burden day by day, year by year? The truth is. For the majority of us. We are in your shoes. We are all faced with this struggle, this burden, whether we […]

A restructuring of sorts.

The process of surrendering is often portrayed as a sign of weakness in our day and age. I think it is fair to say that throughout human existence, surrendering has been viewed as weakness. A conquering. A sign that you lost. You are no longer in control. Raise the white flag. However, I think that […]

To find Happiness

Over the last two months, my spiritual director has had me working through a book called “Trustful Surrender to Divine Providence.” The book is designed to help us find peace and happiness. In today’s day and age, we are laden with people who are full of hate, anger, rage and judgement. We see it everywhere […]

An Observation

Mother Teresa is quoted with saying “do small things with great love.” She is also quoted with saying “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Finally, one of my favorite passages of her’s is the following People are often unreasonable, irrational, and self-centered. […]


I’ll be honest. For the last 4 weeks, I have actually been at peace with the way life has continued to change before our very eyes. It wasn’t until this weekend that I actually started to have a little bit of fear start to creep in on me. It was a slow process actually. A […]

Hope…a different perspective

While many of us have spent the last two weeks wondering what just happened in our world, I have spent the last two weeks really trying to figure out how to communicate exactly how I feel to the people who put their very lives in my trust at Hope Chiropractic Center. These are uncharted waters […]

No Shiny Objects

I have been rather reflective over the last two weeks. In this course, I really haven’t had much to say in regards to Hope, Health, or from a podcasting perspective. I guess you could say, I have been spending some time in my own desert working on contemplative reflections. With that being said, one of […]

A chance for change

Today is Ash Wednesday. This signifies the start of a 46 day journey in the Christian faith leading up to the celebration of Easter. Yesterday, I was speaking with a mentor of mine regarding lent. I asked him what was weighing heavy on his heart as we enter this season of sacrifice and transformation. His […]